Saturday, May 12, 2007


gosh! so damn bored now can! like. exams is here. and i cant go out? and argh. hahas. hmmms. yesterday i got to know something. SHE BOUGHT A BIKINI! like. wad the hell laas? cant IMAGINE she wearing it. kinda gross? lol.s. wells. today. woke up at 9++. weees/ finally. i wake up after 9! laugh out loud? hahas. then went down to watch tv. while my bro and lil' bro play the com. like. hahas? then finally my brother left! and i can use the com now. hehehs. hmmms. did my maths revision. gotto buck up on my maths! im aiming for an a1? hahs. cause my ca1 i've only got a b4? which is like. OH MY GOD. I'VE GOTTO PULL UP MY MARKS ! hahahas.
hmmms. wanna go shopping soons. wanna buy shorts. and all laas. hahahah! oh yeah! going shopping in june. [[: weeees!
[ baby. cant forget you. ]

[ you try leaving me. see what i'll do. come back now. calling once ! calling twice ! LASSSSST CALL ! and thats it. i couldn't do anything. cause you left me. ] :'(

oh and. yeah. there was this stupid :)) person. hahas. appreciate ur comments. and. i think. you're very coward. why dun dare put ur own name? poor thing...... jiayou. buck up on ur courage. ( this is specially for yooooouuuuuu ) . hahaha .


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