please lahs, i was actually neutral w you one. you choose to do this, thus making me hate you. fucking bytch, wth you think you are? he's always been my sitting partner for the past 2 years. either he's beside me or in front of me. and this year, he's like so far far far?
omg, i think i'm going to go crazy lohs. yeahs, he's not like my anyone. neither is he yours. i believe he wanted to come sit w us then to sit w you lohs. wth, you made yourself my enemy lahs.
oh, the post above is like for knn only lahs.
nothing nice about sch today. end of sch, went off to cp. and, i saw tmk, well, kinda arranged one lahs. LMAO-.-' but didn't really talk to him, fact i didn't even TALK to him.
and hor! some bloody idiot st gabriel guy just used his fucking bloody hand to push me away! fucking cheebyeeeeeeeeeee. wth!! no manner lahhhhhhh. im so damn angryyy! roarrrrrrrrr.
no idea. snapshot :D
thanks orlena xiaomei :D
my aiai's name :D
hahaha! this is what i did when i'm like so bored in lessons.
that's all! hahahah :D
thanks orlena xiaomei :D
my aiai's name :D
hahaha! this is what i did when i'm like so bored in lessons.
that's all! hahahah :D
okok. so what now?
i can't even type on my post that im angry D:
aww, that's like so sad. since i know there's PPL reading my blog (cause i thought it's my own entertainement, LOL) , i won't type things so jialat.
i can't even type on my post that im angry D:
aww, that's like so sad. since i know there's PPL reading my blog (cause i thought it's my own entertainement, LOL) , i won't type things so jialat.
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